Stop Smoking with Hypnosis

Imagine being able to have more energy, more time, more money and less stress as a non-smoker. I can help you stop smoking through 1-1 hypnosis sessions both online and in Brussels, Belgium. 

Benefits of Using Hypnosis to Quit Smoking vs Traditional Methods

 99% of the difficulties around stopping smoking are psychological which makes hypnosis an ideal option. 

  • Still enjoy that morning coffee! 
  • Manage your weight
  • Still enjoy a drink and social events
  • Become less stressed and anxious
  • Be there for your children, family and loved ones 

My Client Reviews

Hypnosis for Stop Smoking

D, Belgium

I wanted to stop smoking, especially when drinking or stressed. I did not have high expectations but wanted to try it. It was a gradual process but I am more convinced then ever that smoking is not part of me anymore. Oliver was very nice, calm and made me feel comfortable. It is a good tool to break final barriers of something which you want to stop doing.

Have been genuinely surprised by the almost immediate positive benefits of this process.

Yasmina, Belgium

Oliver is a gentle-mannered, warm and friendly professional who has the flair to put you right at ease. Entered the process with an open mind. Have been genuinely surprised by the almost immediate positive benefits of this process. Wish I had given it a try years ago. Highly recommend.

Riza, United States

Oliver is one of the most talented hypnotists I have had the pleasure of working with! I’m so glad our paths crossed and I hope it crosses again on another journey.

Why Work with Me?

My approaches can help you overcome all the obstacles and neutralise those pesky triggers.  

How My Stop Smoking Hypnosis Process Works:

  1. 1
    I help you identify your individual challenges and goals, so you have a clear direction. This begins in the free consultation and continues into the first session.  
  2. 2
    The aim is to help you quit smoking immediately and teach you useful skills to reduce stress and relate differently to the old triggers. 
  3. 3
    Follow-up and support for up to one year. This is an important decision, so you have access to support via email, additional sessions and free downloads from my audio library. 

How much will you save when you stop smoking?

Example: as a 10 per day smoker in the UK.  

Time Smoke Free

Money Saved

in one week


in one month


in six months


in one year


in five years


in ten years


These are minimum savings which do not reflect price changes. Over the last decade prices have risen considerably and will continue to do so.  

➡️ How much will you save? Use this handy Stop Smoking Savings Calculator to find out. 

One Flat Price. 

This is a personalised 1-1 programme delivered online via Zoom from the comfort of your own home or in-person in Brussels. 

Stop Smoking Programme

  • Quit smoking online or in-person
  • Includes all the sessions you need to stop smoking, no extra costs. 
  • Access to audio downloads 
  • 1 year service guarantee


  • 1x Quit smoking online or in-person 
  • Up to 3 sessions
  • Access to audio downloads 

Stop Smoking Hypnosis FAQ

  • Hypnosis basics

  • results 

  • Is it Right for me?

What does hypnosis feel like?

There is not one single feeling. Many people notice profound relaxation, floating, sinking. It is generally a very fun and easy process. You'll know it's working by the results you get during the session. 

How effective is hypnosis online?

If you have a good internet connection, hypnosis is as effective online as in person. Sometimes it can be even more effective. Here's why:

  • The change occurs in your head, not in a particular place. 
  • You pick a comfortable location, for many this will be your home. 
  • You save time and money, as no travel is needed. 

How many sessions?

Typically we work within a framework of 3 sessions. Each client is different however, you may find you need less, or a few more depending on your circumstances. 

Will I be asleep or unconscious?

No. Hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness. 

Am I still in control?

Yes, this is a process of you taking back control.  Nobody has been made to bark like a dog....yet.

What if I can't be hypnotized?

Sometimes, traditional hypnosis is not for everyone. The good news is I can usually help people get the same results without formal hypnosis too. In the case that I cannot help you, I will inform you of this as early on as possible. 

What do I need to do to be successful?

Being a non-smoker needs to be a real priority for you. You will be expected to engage, focus and interact fully.  This is a collaborative process and you play an active role. 

What the research says about using hypnosis to quit smoking*

Smokers are twice as likely to remain smoke free with hypnosis

Wynd, CA. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2005; 37:3, pages 245-250

A study of 71 smokers showed that after a two-year follow up, patients that quit with hypnosis were twice as likely to remain smoke-free than those who quit on their own. Guided health imagery for smoking cessation and long-term abstinence.

Your Benefits of Stopping Smoking

  • You will improve your physical and mental health with less anxiety
  • More time and energy to do the things you love, with the people who matter most
  • Live longer, being a non-smoker can add as much as 10 years to your life
  • Smell better
  • Improved sex life, smoking is a common cause of erectile disfunction. Smoking negatively affects fertility. 
  •  Your skin, fingers and nails will look better - first impressions matter.
  • Improved dental health - lower dental costs
  • Encourage healthy eating and drinking with greater awareness of what you are putting into your body
  • No more standing outside in the cold because you need a smoke
  • More money in your wallet, the average smoker will save thousands every year
  • Improve your fitness, as you are able to breath better
  • Lower your risk of ill-health as you get older due to heart disease, cancer or stroke

Learn the Secrets to Quit Smoking

FREE Email Course:7 Steps to Successful Smoking Cessation

Discover how to make hypnosis work for you, even when your partner, friends or colleagues still smoke and without gaining weight.

Evidence based research*

How Effective is Hypnosis with Smoking?

Hypnosis vs  Nicotine Replacement Therapy

"Smoking patients who participated in one hypnotherapy session were more likely to be nonsmokers at 6 months compared with patients using nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) alone or patients who quit “cold turkey.”

American College of Chest Physicians. “Hypnotherapy For Smoking Cessation Sees Strong Results.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 24 October 2007

Single Session Hypnosis

"Twenty of sixty volunteers for smoking cessation were assigned to single-session hypnosis, 20 to a placebo control condition, and 20 to a no-treatment control condition. The single-session hypnosis group smoked significantly less cigarettes and were significantly more abstinent than a placebo control group and a no treatment control group at post test, and 4-week, 12-week, 24-week and 48-week follow-ups."

John M. Williams, David W. Hall, “Use of single session hypnosis for smoking cessation”, Addictive Behaviors,  Volume 13, Issue 2, 1988, Pages 205-208,

Hypnosis is 15 times as effective as trying to quit alone

Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit. A meta-analysis, statistically combining results of more than 600 studies of 72,000 people from America and Europe to compare various methods of quitting. On average, hypnosis was over three times as effective as nicotine replacement methods and 15 times as effective as trying to quit alone.

University of Iowa, Journal of Applied Psychology, How One in Five Give Up Smoking. October 1992. (Also New Scientist, October 10, 1992.) Studies on the Effectiveness of Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation. (2009, April 8). 

Let's Stop the Struggle

Quitting smoking should not be about saying no to yourself, guilt, shame, willpower or being spoken down to. 

I'm a qualified and certified hypnotist based in Brussels, Belgium.  I work with clients locally and worldwide via Zoom.

Together we will form a winning team, and I look forward to sharing my skills with you, as you become a non-smoker. 

Oliver M. James

Oliver M. James
Clinical Hypnotist

Get Started

Are you ready to put thousands back in your pocket every year? 

Ready to put your health first?

Take the opportunity to meet me before you decide to work with me. In this free 15-20 minute online call,  we'll work out the right strategy for you to quit smoking good, and live the life you want.  

We'll also discuss pricing options, availability and I'll answer your questions.

*Please note that the research presented above is anecdotal and not a firm guarantee of your own success in this process. The methods used in this research will vary from the ones I will use with you. 
