Hypnosis in Brussels

Fast and effective professional Hypnotherapy in English in the heart of Brussels with certified hypnotist Oliver M. James 


What are you ready to change?

Hypnosis is really about the use of your imagination in such a creative way that it creates lasting results.  

  • Overcome any irrational fears such as flying, public speaking, animals, bugs. 
  • Boost your confidence in a foreign language
  • Help you take control of destructive habits such as nail biting, vaping or smoking
    Before we work together, we will first discuss your goals via an online consultation.

Good to know

  • All appointments must be pre-booked. All initial consultations take place online first via Zoom.  
  • The services offered are a form of educational coaching designed to help you think differently.  As a non-medical professional, these services are not suitable in a crisis or emergency, nor if you are undergoing other psychological or psychiatric treatment.
  • All appointments are private and not covered by public or private health insurance. 
  • All sessions are currently taking place remotely. 

Will it work for me?

Like most people that come to see me, you have probably heard about hypnosis but never tried it before.  So the obvious question is: will it work? 

Here are a few success factors I have noticed over the years in my clients

  • The change is a priority and not just a nice-to-have
  • You're not expecting something magical
  • You do the tasks assigned between sessions
  • You make time for the sessions

I won't be the right match for you if you are in a hurry and do not want to put any effort in. 

Get Started

Understand what to expect and what is involved

Take the opportunity to meet me before you decide to work with me. In this free 15-20 minute online call,  I will ask you about your goal and give you more information so you can make the right choice for you. 

We'll also discuss pricing options, availability and I'll answer your questions.
